At the moment there are two things that you can change: the spread and the stock levels.

Changing the Spread

The spread is what will determine how much money the planet makes when the exchange buys or sells a commodity. It defaults to 20% but you can change it, either by setting the overall spread for the whole exchange with 'SET SPREAD amount', or setting it for an individual commodity with 'SET SPREAD amount commodity'. As with the display commands, you have to be on your own planet. The spread must be between 6 and 40.

Whichever command you issue, it will overwrite the previous spread value, so you should set the overall spread first to whatever you think is a reasonable number, and then tweak the individual commodities that you want to differ from the rest.

The higher the spread on a commodity, the greater the difference between buying and selling price - so the more profit the planet will make. However, that doesn't mean you should just whack all the values up to 40%, because that will mean bad value for your potential customers, who might take their trade elsewhere, leaving you with no profit at all! You may also want to have "special offers" on commodities you particularly want the exchange to buy or sell, reducing your potential profit in order to fulfil demands or offload surpluses.

Changing the Stock Levels

The stock levels reflect the amount of each commodity that the exchange has, and how much it wants to have - the maximum and minimum levels. While the current stock is somewhere between the max and min, the exchange will both buy and sell the commodity; should it rise above the max, it will just sell it, and if it falls below the min, it will just buy it.

You can change the max and min stock levels for every commodity with the command 'SET STOCKPILE min|max amount' - use min to set the minimum level, and max to set the maximum level you want the stockpile to go. You can also use the command to set the stockpile for an individual commodity with 'SET STOCKPILE min|max amount commodity'. You must be on your own planet. When setting the max, the level must be between 20,000 and 200. When setting the min, it must be between 2,000 and 100.

The exchange will change its behavior when the stock gets to within 75 tons of the levels for the min or max that you have set, since it only deals in 75 ton loads.

Just like setting the spread, these commands will overwrite all previous stock values, so you should first set the min and max stock levels for the exchange as a whole, and then set the levels for the individual commodities that differ.

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