As Duke of Parkland, Buddy enjoyed a wealth of groats, power and friends.

Nobody knows for sure exactly what happened to him in the days before "The Great Calamity"; rumors were as numerous as bumps on a dill pickle. His exploits were long since forgotten, even by those who were exploited.

Galactic Standard Centuries passed and his old friend, Vlad, who happened to be testing the stability of DataSpace with the Galactic Administration's approval, spotted an Imperial Class vessel impacted into the side of a small asteroid. When Vlad went to investigate the wreckage he discovered a stasis pod with Buddy's mangled body inside. Acting quickly, Vlad whisked him away to a secret lab he knew of on Selena. Through an intense and drawn-out process, he managed to retrieve most of the memory and personality engrams of Buddy's brain and transfer them into a YJ-42 Mark II Android/Pasta Maker/Frozen Yogurt Dispenser. Why Vlad didn't take Buddy to the hospital instead shall forever be the subject of great debate by those who like punching holes in movie plots and should really move out of their parents basements and find themselves a girlfriend.

When activated, Buddy showed his gratitude to Vlad by instantly making him a mixed chocolate and vanilla cone with linguine. Buddy then assumed the mantle of Lead Navigator and eventually Manager of the Mod Squad, DataSpace's Team of Moderators. The rest is, as they say, rubbish.

Outside of Federation 2 Dataspace, Buddy is the award winning artist/cartoonist Karl Kleese (really, he has won awards for his artwork, well, t-shirt design contests anyway) who brings you the Federation 2 themed comic, Sam Galaxy. Karl hopes to one day be able to leave his day job (any day would be nice, please, thank you very much) and be discovered by some big wig art person-thing or at the very least get his side company KWK Productions® going full steam to work from his home studio, designing websites and doing freelance artwork. When he is not coaching his son in the local baseball league, he likes to spend his time writing scripts for his other comic strip, Willow's Grove (of which his two fans wait patiently for him to continue), short stories and other postings of various topics on livejournal.com.

If you happen to stop by the Lucky Seven in the lower areas of Earth in Federation 2, say hullo to Buddy and he might just make you a cone of frozen yogurt!

In real life, you can read Buddy's cartoons here.

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