ECONOMICS CLASSMay 18, 2008 - Instructor: ZardozCatspaws says, "We have to be on time, the teacher only has an hour." Zardoz says, "Ok... Just to let you guys know... because of the time difference, I have to run in an hour to start dinner." Catspaws says, "With that said, I turn this class over to the House of Doz." Zardoz smiles, "Thanks Cats.:)" Zardoz says, "Ok, I guess you folks are here to find out what I'm doing." Zardoz says, "That's why I'm here." Zardoz says, "So... when I know... I'll let you know." Zardoz grins. Angelfowl laughs Zardoz says, "class dismissed." Munabilo says, "good class, i laughed, i cried" Bourbon hands the instructor a big shiny red apple Catspaws twitches the laptop cord with her tail Zardoz says, "Nahhhh." Zardoz grins. Angelfowl whispers to Meteu, "I wish all my classes were that short" Zardoz says, "Ok... I thought I'd go over what my approach is. Then what my hauling strategy is, then open for questions." Zardoz says, "Some of what I'm doing is still really experimental, but if I've learned anything, I'd be happy to pass it on." Zardoz winks, "For starters.... I do not have the most alts.;)" Angelfowl says, "Yeah right! :P" Catspaws mutters, "Yes, he does..." Bourbon snickers Zardoz says, "But where I differ, is I try to play all my alts as a team." Zardoz says, "That's what the "House of Doz" is supposed to bring about, to emphasize that I'm taking a consortium approach." Zardoz says, "Given that, what makes my playing different, is I have to look at all the planets together, and their relationships to decide what to do." Zardoz drawls, "for example...." Zardoz Touches a button on his laptop and displays a spreadsheet entitled, "Zandzabar Exchange" Zardoz says, "Oooops.... wrong sheet." Zardoz Puts up a Powerpoint Picture Slide. Angelfowl giggles Zardoz says, "Ok.... right now... I have 2 planets ready to promote, but I'm holding off, because the effect of the promotion will be felt on all the other planets." Zardoz pauses to take a breath. Zardoz drawls, "Let me explain how I look at it like this..." Zardoz says, "If you have a def, you probably do what I did when I had one planet.... you go to Insane System, and buy what you need, because Nut Produces everything." Zardoz drawls, "One problem with that...." Zardoz Quickly checks his org chart and then puts it away. Zardoz exclaims, "Nut is not My Alt!" Zardoz says, "I don't get the money." Zardoz says, "What I try to do is have complementary systems, so at all phases, I'm effectively dealing with myself." Zardoz Doesn't play well with others. Bourbon says, "franchising thing" Zardoz says, "sort of B." Catspaws bites her tongue so as not to state the obvious Zardoz steps on Catspaws tail. Catspaws screeches and leaps up, tripping over the laptop cord Bourbon says, "be nice Furball" Zardoz says, "If one planet makes out filling the def, I like to make out by selling to it." Oddball says, "go for it cats" Zardoz drawls, "When setting up my trading routes, I go for the following order of priority...." Zardoz says, "First, Intersystem." Zardoz says, "Second, Interdozian." Zardoz says, "Third, Dozian Protectorate." Zardoz says, "Fourth, Dozian Subscribers." Zardoz says, "and then I ship out to wherever if I have extra." Zardoz says, "One moment... sick child." Zardoz says, "Thank you for your patience." Zardoz says, "My approach on hauling is using a bit of Smitty's, and a bit of Oddballs, but a lot of my own theory." Bourbon says, "sounds like some solid theories" Zardoz says, "What I try to do, is identify the production of each commod, at various levels of merchants, and compute how much will be produced in 30 minutes." Zardoz says, "I also try to identify the similar number of consumption for my planets." Zardoz says, "I then ship off that amount to the consuming planet, every 30 minutes." Zardoz says, "What I'm trying to do, is skim off the top of the stockpile." Zardoz says, "In theory, this should be the cheapest to produce items." Zardoz says, "and although its not 5,000 tons a shot, over time, it adds up." Zardoz says, "I have been using a stop watch to time my exchanges at various levels of merchants to figure out the exact formula Bella used in drafting the code." Zardoz says, "lately, all my data has been worthless." Zardoz frowns, "Someone has been making a lot of merchants.:(" Zardoz Quickly checks his org chart and then puts it away. Zardoz says, "Oh, never mind." Catspaws scratches her ear Zardoz says, "I don't know what you guys think, but I am now operating on the theory that the efficiency percentage is not a straight percentage." Zardoz says, "A 110% efficiency does not translate into a 10% gain... but it seems to be a bit more." Catspaws says, "I figured that out a long time ago. I don't understand Bella math." Bourbon says, "them Brits, and the language" Zardoz says, "Well, I don't know programming, or sociology, so I can't criticize Bella. But One thing I do know." Zardoz says, "Bella doesn't know the first thing about accounting for inventory." Zardoz says, "so I figured the math would be off." Zardoz asks, "I need to rest my fingers, does anyone have any questions?" Zardoz says, "Oh, and I'm not on the channel, so if anyone shouts one out, let me know." Zardoz didn't want to be confused by the scroll. Catspaws asks, "You said you use a bit of your stuff, a bit of Smitty's and a bit of Oddballs? Which bits?" Zardoz says, "I try to use smitty's approach of making the cheapest goods possible." Zardoz says, "From what I read, that would be goods produced at the greatest distance from the min, and the closest to the max." Zardoz says, "or in other words, between, 19,000 and 20000 tons at a 6% spread." Zardoz says, "I rarely take my stockpiles below this figure." Catspaws nods as if she is a math whiz Zardoz says, "If I do it right, and at a full ramp up of hauling, all my defs should be at about -300 to -200, and my stockpiles at about 19,500, and each hitting -525, and 20,000 just as the next 30 minute cycle hits." Zardoz says, "I experimented with a full ramp up of Soed System on Friday night, and was doing about 15 megs per hour profit." Catspaws asks, "Do...HOW MUCH?" Zardoz says, "I'm probably running at 50 percent capacity right now." Catspaws nearly falls out of her chair Zardoz says, "15 megs, but I had to throttle it back." Your comm unit relays a message from Jewells, "x::::pffft:::: i make 15 megs an hour trading. ;)" Zardoz says, "I do intend to replot the routes to see if I can go to about 70 percent on a regular basis." Oddball says, "not outside the realm of realistic. i average about 8 meg trading and probably add 4 more for the planet in an hr" Zardoz nods. Catspaws says, "I'm obviously doing something wrong." Catspaws grumbles to herself Angelfowl says, "Me too... I'm lucky to make 3 meg a day" Zardoz says, "I don't think I have the "Best" system... just it works for a multi-system approach." Oddball says, "i am assuming of course that you 15 includes the trading profit" Zardoz says, "Of course." Bourbon says, "sounds like you either work with FT with a spreadsheet, or c/zmud" Zardoz says, "I use all of them." Zardoz has a "Dozian Exchange Analyzer" spreadsheet.:) Catspaws says, "I'm still looking with someone who is good at hauling with FT to do next week's class." Zardoz winks, "It has a lot of colors.;)" Bourbon says, "why am surprised a 'spreadsheet' is" Zardoz grins. Angelfowl giggles Zardoz says, "I probably have about 8 full time haulers, and 4 part time haulers." Oddball says, "well they wont be making 8 meg an hr hauling with" Zardoz says, "the partimers use fed term, and are used to haul off the excess to sol." Angelfowl thinks some people can't afford c/zmud Zardoz says, "The full timers have to use Cmud. I can't actively manage the amount of planets I have with out it." Zardoz says, "I also have run several experiments on my planets." Catspaws nods to Angelfowl Zardoz says, "One was promoted with very little cash, and One all I do is pretty much haul in defs... just to see what would happen." Zardoz says, "I found that the amount of initial cash doesn't have that much of an effect on a planet's profitability, and growth IF, the PO is willing to work." Bourbon asks, "and the diff was?" Bourbon says, "sorry, typing slow" Zardoz says, "And just hauling in defs, as opposed to a similar planet with active in and out hauling yields about 30 % of the full potential." Zardoz asks, "does that sound about right Odd?" Zardoz says, "I also agree with Smitty, that a stagnant planet does not make or lose." Oddball says, "well i would agree that initial cash makes little difference in does make a difference in the amount of commods able to be produced" Zardoz takes a long drink and cracks his knuckles. Bourbon asks, "you using a spycam?" Zardoz winks, "I agree, and if given a choice, I'd rather start with a lot of cash.;)" Oddball says, "and the 30% passes the smell test" Zardoz drawls, "But, if you don't have a ton of cash, don't despair. But remember one important thing...." Zardoz says, "There is no such thing as a "no-haul" planet." Oddball says, "ive said that for a long time...i started my planet with 10 meg....what u start with makes zero diff" Bourbon says, "amen" Zardoz nods. Catspaws asks, "Do you do your spreads pretty much as Smitty does?" Zardoz says, "That's about it. My approach is really based on the fact I have a lot of planets." Zardoz says, "I run at 6% for producers to lower the cost, and 40% for defs.... I think that in order to do what Smitty is doing, and I'm not disagreeing with him. I would have to lower my stockpiles to say 15,000, to make it work, and would have to haul out at least 5,000 tons." Zardoz says, "Since I'm skimming, the playing with the spread doesn't work as well, for me." Oddball says, "would not see a difference in" Zardoz says, "So, I am using his low cost to produce, but not set the highest price on the export... if that makes sense." Zardoz says, "But since I'm exporting to myself, I don't really care." Bourbon asks, "you exporting or wanting someone else to?" Bourbon says, "dang the finger to brain lag" Zardoz grins. Zardoz smiles, "No problems B.:)" Zardoz says, "I don't think I have the "Best" System, just it's what has evolved for me for managing multiple systems." Oddball says, "no such thing" Zardoz nods. Oddball says, " such thing as a best system...there is simply what works...and what else works" Zardoz says, "I also did it this way, because, the fun I get from Fed, is solving this problem on my own... and this is what I came up with." Zardoz says, "But that is just me." Bourbon smiles, "all about having fun playing this game:)" Zardoz asks, "It's a game?" Zardoz grins. Catspaws says, "I think you made the most important point. We all solve this our own way." Bourbon laughs Zardoz nods. Angelfowl giggles Zardoz says, "And the pace you go at is up to you." Oddball says, "well its an approach anyway" Oddball chuckles Catspaws says, "The important thing is to get as much as you can from it, and to have fun doing it." Bourbon nods Zardoz says, "Now, I can push to promote everyone to gengineer right now.... but then I'll sit idle for six months waiting for the next rank." Bourbon says, "lol, yeah, hurry up and wait" Zardoz smiles, "Right now, by biggest challenge is trying to find the time to finish my next two planets.:)" Zardoz says, "err my biggest challenge." Zardoz asks, "Any other questions, or observations?" Zardoz checks his fly to make sure no one observed that it was down. Catspaws asks, "What about new founders? What would be the best advice you could give them?" Zardoz says, "first, exile all Lord of the Rings Characters." Zardoz has given Oddball a firm tickle. Zardoz grins. Oddball asks, "including yours?" Zardoz says, "just kidding." Zardoz says, "I'd say, concentrate on filling your defs first." Zardoz says, "It's easiest, and you do make good money that way." Oddball asks, "i especially like when gimli is on...ever watch him run on those little legs?" Zardoz laughs. Zardoz says, "If you can, make arrangements with other planets." Zardoz says, "I currently ship to several planets, and agreed upon amount of certain commods at certain intervals." Zardoz says, "Kind of like a super factory." Zardoz says, "I had the same arrangements with other systems before, and I found it to be quite lucrative." Bourbon asks, "are you part of FLUB system info?" Zardoz says, "Finally, I tell new PO's, to HAVE FUN DAMMIT." Meteu smiles, "and I did:)" Bourbon says, "and trade in HaveFun" Zardoz says, "No, Bourbon.... although I did read a lot of the articles." Bourbon says, "preceding was paid for and endorsed by" Zardoz says, "And initially I had a lot of trouble logging on to the exchange analyzer, so I never put my stuff up, and now, it doesn't make sense for me to do that since I look at things differently." Zardoz asks, "any further questions?" Zardoz Touches a button on his laptop and displays a spreadsheet entitled, "Zandzabar Exchange" Zardoz says, "Oooops.... wrong sheet." Zardoz Puts up a Powerpoint Picture Slide. Zardoz says, "damn... I'm caught." Zardoz grins. Bourbon says, "laughs" Angelfowl laughs Zardoz says, "Well, thanks Cats for letting me bore everyone." Bourbon says, "thanks for sharing you views Z" Zardoz says, "I hope what I had was helpful, or insightful, or entertaining." Angelfowl giggles and claps Meteu says, "Thank you Zard" Meteu clapa Zardoz says, "My pleasure." Meteu claps even Your comm unit relays a message from Jewells, "x::::::hand Zardoz a hand:::::::" Zardoz says, "Mea clapa" Catspaws smiles, "Jewells hands you a hand :)" Zardoz grins Bourbon Laughs Pine says, "nope, didn't learn a thing" Zardoz says, "Well, it's almost 5... gotta get dinner started." Zardoz says, "Thanks for your hospitality." Meteu says, "Thanks Zard" Catspaws says, "Better late than never, Pine." Zardoz waves Teaches and runs. Zardoz has left. Angelfowl says, "Thanks Zard" Pine squirts ink on Bourbon Bourbon laughs Bourbon says, "had that coming"