One thing you can do to help us promote Fed2 is to mention the game on your own personal areas on the internet. If you use Twitter you could sometimes tweet about something fun that happened in Fed. Do you have a profile on Facebook or My Space? If you do, then make sure you mention Fed2 as one of the things you are interested in. Or maybe you use another social networking site, or one of the sites that hook you up with your old school friends, or an AOL profile... add Fed2 to your details, with a description of the game and a link to the ibgames web site.
Do you have a blog? If you do, then when you write about whatever interests you, mention that you've been playing this really great game called Fed2.
What about a home page on the web? Once again, you can mention Fed2 and put a link to our site.
Wherever you have a presence on the net, use it to help tell people about our game. If you love Fed2, then spread the word!
You can use some of the Fed2 graphics on your site, to advertise the game - get them here.