![]() POSTS OF THE WEEK Stardate: 114289:9652 - Art: Be nice to clones. They're people two. Stardate: 114293:7699 -
Freya: Everything is funny as long as it is happening to
Somebody Else - Will Rogers Stardate: 114299:7178 - Hitman: When everyone is against you, it means that you are absolutely wrong-- or absolutely right." Stardate: 114303:3864 -
Hazed: The easiest sins to condemn are the ones that do
not tempt you. - C S Lewis Stardate: 114310:8765 -
Aringer: If you must be good, be good for something. Stardate: 114320:5657 -
Hazed: Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Complain,
and you get better service. Stardate: 114323:0382 -
Asterix: A good scapegoat is almost as good as a
Wearing a hat that proclaims "Industrialist by days end or Death" Humboldt has just arrived. The universe always settles the score so Freya has just arrived. life is short and so I am so it balances out Honoria has just arrived. I don't know how you can look at me with all those tears in your eyes, and tell me Asterix has just arrived.
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