![]() APRIL FOOL'S MADE EASY - THE LYNNEA AND ASTERIX WAY! Before we get into this one, Lynnea and I have a few things we'd like to say. First, our deepest condolences go out to Zee, the droid who would have been writing a complementary piece to this one. We really are pulling for you, Zee, but last I heard the scrap-heap may be in Zee's impending future. LYNNEA: Absolutely Asterix, a moment of silence for poor Zee. You know, as the serious reporters we are, we really need to be careful what we report about. It would be really easy for us to end up just like Zee if we tried to report something that the "Powers-that-be" didn't want to be made public. That brings me to the second of the "few" things we would like to say. As the faithful readers of the Star are aware, there have been accusations made against Asterix and me concerning our integrity as reporters. We faithfully report the facts and nothing but the facts so help us Bella. I won't stoop so low as to mention names, but someone whose name starts with "Rob" and ends with "ius" has made us the target of a lawsuit for defamation of character. We just report what we see, and cannot be held responsible for what the Galactic Administration does or does not do with that information. Since this unnamed person obviously implicated himself in the shooting of the deputy, he clearly has no case against us. To err on the side of caution however, I have retained Necrose as council, and Asterix is in the process of finding himself an attorney as well. ASTERIX: Now that we have those house-cleaning issues out of the way, it's on to the biggest party of the year: Fed's April Fool's Bash on the roof garden at Chez Diesel! The setting was absolutely beautiful, with many different flavors of ice cream, free soda, free balloons and of course, the bouncy castle. LYNNEA: The foolish costume contest got everyone's creative juices flowing and everyone came dressed in their foolish best. Asterix and I looked the most foolish er... the best of all.
Some of the costume entries were:
Others came dressed for foolishness as well but I will go over them later in this writing, but for now, take it away Asty. ASTERIX: The first thing in this party that became obvious from the very beginning was the incompetence of the droids that were giving out the free balloons. People would go ahead and pop their balloons, deflate them, or just let them go altogether, but upon leaving and coming back, were given another balloon to treat just as poorly. It really was a waste, I feel bad for whoever's job it is to clean all that up. Of course, the waitdroids were on the whole pretty cross, it probably had something to do with the fact that they had to save people's lives all night!
Care to explain, Lyn? LYNNEA: Not particularly Asty... The first thing I noticed was that everyone kept kicking you in the butt! ASTERIX: Must've had something to do with the "Kick Me" sign you kept putting on my back! LYNNEA: That wasn't me, can't find a thing in my notes about that. ASTERIX: You and your notes, there's something fishy there. LYNNEA: As I've said before, Asty, if it's in my notes, it happened, if it's not there, it must not have happened... Something that did happen... Did you notice how efficient, albeit cross, those waitdroids were? I mean, every time a balloon was popped they were right there picking up the pieces. That was lucky considering that some of the guest popped literally hundreds of them. We would have had a pile of balloon scraps to rival that pile of fruit in the Urban Spaceman bar had they not done that. ASTERIX: Yeah, it'd be awfully nice if Diesel could spare a few of those waitdroids to follow us around and clean up after us. Maybe then we wouldn't be leaving such huge messes all over Sol and Hazed wouldn't have to dock our pay so much... In fact, I don't think I've been paid at all yet. LYNNEA: I know, me neither, in fact Hazed said something about us paying her if we continued on our current path. I'm not sure what she meant by that. I think she was referring more to you though, and your lack of note taking skills. I mean she isn't buying us these note pads for your foolish tic-tac-toe games. ASTERIX: So I should be a loser like you and write everything down as it happens? LYNNEA: If being a loser means actually doing your job, then yes! Do you WANT to pay Hazed for this, or do want to GET paid? ASTERIX: Whatever, like I was saying, those waitdroids did a great job cleaning up all over the place, and I was hoping that Diesel might want to loan us a few when Jinto mentioned that we really don't need them at all.
LYNNEA: He has a point... Hey look at my notes right here Asty. This is where Icey had that wardrobe malfunction! I'm still trying to figure out how that thong managed to go flying through the air like that! He didn't even bat an eye, just stood there, proudly showing off his... well, that might not be appropriate. ASTERIX: Weirdly enough, I sent in those pictures that I took, fully expecting to get them printed on the front page of the Star, but for some reason, Hazed sent all the pictures back... I wonder why. LYNNEA: At this point Jessecka shrieked at Robius, and for the first time that evening we suddenly realized that... well... just look.
ASTERIX: I had heard that they were trying to get pregnant for a while. I just hope there aren't any... complications. LYNNEA: Um... I think there already are some complications going on there... And just between you and me, I'm not so certain that Jessecka's the momma. But anyway, here is where Gwaptiva showed up in what was obviously MY outfit. I can't believe he stole my clothes like that! I mean just look at this!
Everyone knows that's what I wear over there on Lair when I hang out in my tree house! ASTERIX: That was where I recognized that outfit from! The centerfold of the latest FedBabes WeeklyI mean um... Your closet. LYNNEA: You said you got rid of those pictures!!! ASTERIX: Er... Um... Anyway, at about this time everyone started making guesses as to some announcement that we were going to make towards the end of the party. I think somebody mentioned that Lynnea was pregnant, and that I was the child?
LYNNEA: They weren't too far off, you are a child... ASTERIX: Be that as it may, they were completely off, and I don't remember anything about any announcement! Is it in your notes? LYNNEA: No, nothing in my notes at all about an announcement. Apparently there was a mass hallucination of some kind. ASTERIX: Then I guess that means it didn't happen at all then, thank goodness. It'd be terrible to find out that I hadn't actually been born yet, or that you and I were twins separated at birth, like Zadymka guessed. LYNNEA: ...ANYWAY! At about this time, Jinto broke into Diesel's Old Peculiar, and at least a few people thought that was a good idea
ASTERIX: Something tells me you had a few too many pints of Old Peculiar, because you continued to have trouble with the bouncy castle.
LYNNEA: Is that the only thing you made note of all night Asty? That thing was rigged, I swear. ASTERIX: Yeah, that or you don't know how to bounce safely. I'd suggest keeping both feet on the ground, Lyn. I think I remember something happening next, but I don't quite know for sure. LYNNEA: Why do you even HAVE a notebook, Asty? Did you even notice that this is where Honoria came hopping into the party in her Easter bunny costume?
ASTERIX: Oh right, and now I remember, and instead of just bringing eggs, she brought some of her very tasty, and famous brownies!
LYNNEA: I thought I had something in my notes about the suspicious brownies, but I can't seem to find that right now. ASTERIX: Just because you don't trust the brownies, doesn't make them evil! And anyway, if it's not in your notes... LYNNEA: ...it's not true, yes, yes I know! ASTERIX: And just after Honoria's grand entrance, Lord Furgas of Dilconia finally made his way to the party, and of course was wearing the silliest clothing he could find... It just happened to be the same thing he always wears.
LYNNEA: Asty, I swear, you're going to get yourself killed one of these days. At this point, the conversation once again turned to Robius's unborn child. Zadymka accused Robius of getting pregnant with a droid, and Jessecka recounted the tail of the well-known movie, "Brokeback Dryad." Between you and me, Asty, did you see the look that Jessecka gave Robius when she was talking about Brokeback Dryad? I'm telling you, I'm not certain that Jess is the momma. ASTERIX: While all of this was going on, Lynnea and I were making our final observations and beginning to tally who would be the winner of the silly-costume contest. Personally, I think that Lynnea and I should have won, for our coordination in silliness, but SOME people, who have hired lawyers might find that a bit in bad taste. LYNNEA: *coughRobiuscough* So Asty and I deliberated for a bit, and came up with our top three costumes of the night. ASTERIX: And of course, while we were deliberating, the conversation very quickly turned from fun, jovial humor to sexual innuendo. Something about Gwaptiva slipping a banana to a monkey to make it sit in Honoria's basket... or something. LYNNEA: But that all died down very quickly when Asty and I announced that we had picked the slithy winner for the night!
ASTERIX: Congratulations to our top three outfits for the night, and especially to Gwaptiva, our slithy winner. Gwaptiva began to give what sounded like a riveting speech, but for some reason stopped before he finished and just wound up ordering some drinks for everyone. LYNNEA: Oh right, riveting, here's how my intrepid partner reacted to it.
ASTERIX: Again, yet another showing of your notes that was entirely un-called for. LYNNEA: Again, totally unethical to NOT show the whole story, and, loads of fun for me if I do! Oh, and speaking of ethics. I think it would be totally unethical not to mention that my earlier suspicions concerning Honoria's brownies came true about this point. Having had far too many of them, Gwaptiva clearly began to hallucinate. He was swatting at imaginary enemies and shouting some very odd things. Here, see for yourselves. It started with Honoria laughing for no apparent reason.
And here there was some strange talk of some unseen disaster, in which Gwaptiva thought he might have been in danger or something, and Honoria was quite shocked.
This clearly proves what I've been saying all along. There is something about those brownies that just isn't right. ASTERIX: Well, after that, nothing much happened except the good times continued. The drinks flowed graciously and at no point was anyone afraid of anything at all, for any reason whatsoever. LYNNEA: Yes, well, the scariest thing that happened was that someone almost fell off the bouncy castle, and you know... that thing with um... Icey and his underpants... but that's all though... Nothing more, nothing less. ASTERIX: Yes, Lynnea. That bouncy castle could possibly have been very dangerous. Anyway, since everybody was completely safe, all that's left is to congratulate Gwaptiva, our slithy winner once again, and say goodnight and stay safe! Sometimes a bouncy castle gone bad is more dangerous than a pitcher of wobbly water gone good! LYNNEA: And remember folks, Honoria's brownies are not for the faint of heart! |
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