Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 7, 2006

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by Freya

You know you've played Fed II too much when...

Every time you open the hall closet door you hope this time it will be a teleporter.

You tell your girlfriend you forgot about V-day because you had 8 hot futures contracts and had to watch for them to peak.
Your family asks when dinner is and you reply "Just one more AK delivery!"
You check eBay for monopoles.
You reply to concerns about the environment by saying "it's not a big deal, on my planet..."
When people talk of colonizing Mars, and you think "Why bother, just build your own planet?"
You try convincing the autoshop to upgrade your car with NavComp software.
You call someone that's right next to you in the game and talk about Fed2.
You build a futures commodities database at work.
You start listening to the financial evening news to help you pick futures contracts.
You think everyone knows what you're talking about, but they just think you're crazy.
You use your alarm clock to tell you when you should go to bed.
You know where Dryad is but you can't find Peru on the Globe.
You can remember all the dates that major events happened Fed2 but you can't remember your anniversary.
You realize that the cable TV has been turned off for over a month.
You start to wonder just what Old Peculiar really tastes like.
Your wife tell you if she ever meets the developers of the game she will beat them to a bloody pulp.
You start mailing Feedback asking Bella to code in an Outlook-like calendar to remind you about birthdays, anniversaries, and doing the dishes.
When the sun's rising, the alarm clock's blaring and you press the "AC job #" Fkey. One. Last. Time. Promise.
You try to make a "you know you play too much" list...

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