POSTS OF THE WEEKStardate: 114873:5942 - Nomad: The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do." --(John Holt) Stardate: 114875:0667 - Gwaptiva: Well, it's official. The egg came first, before the chicken. Stardate: 114875:7578 - Art: Yesterday I parked my shuttle in a tow-away zone and when I came back the entire landing pad was missing... Stardate: 114876:1955 - Jessecka: Sometimes I like to let my mind wander.....but it has a bad habit of not coming back. Stardate: 114881:8168 - Nomad: Imagine the Creator as a stand up comedian - and at once the world becomes explicable." -- (H. L. Mencken) Stardate: 114890:7759 - Hazed: I believe in luck. How else can you explain the success of those you dislike? - Jean Cocteau Stardate: 114893:8557 - Nomad: Choice has always been a privilege of those who could afford to pay for it." --(Ellen Frankfort) Stardate: 114904:3268 - Gandroid: To win you just need to get up one more time than you fell down. Stardate: 114908:5146 - Dork: When all else fails, put on a costume and sing a silly song. - Sam M. Walton Stardate: 114911:2612 - Occy: Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing." --William James
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