FINAL GOODBYE TO SLOPPY TICKLESby JesseckaWith the recent demise of Classic Fed, which was reported in last week's Star, we lose one cherished, time honored tradition that will grieve a lot of us more than we care to admit. No, I'm not talking about puzzle pieces that the Snerts used to hog all the time (really, just drop the TDX, it won't hurt anything!) or the banister you could slide down. I'm talking about all those wonderful, slippery, messy, sloppy tickles! Yes, as I reported to you in the April 3, 2005 edition of the Star there resided in Classic Fed an abundance of sloppy tickles. Fed2 has so many wonderful features that couldn't be found in the classic version. With the invention of Futures, a closer connection of Factory Owners to their companies, and the high rolling rank of Financier, it's hard to imagine Classic Fed holding anything that someone in Fed2 could possibly want. But I'm sure just about anyone that played the classic version has to stifle a sniffle at the thought of forever losing those sloppy tickles. Sitting in the Cantina after a long day of hauling, and some stranger walking up and giving you a wet, messy, sopping, sloppy tickle was the highlight of most people's weeks. Oh sure, in Fed2 we have hot tickles, hearty tickles, and truly scrumptious tickles, but really, can anything take the place of that slippery wet tickle? There are a lot of things I will miss about Classic Fed. Most of the Fed2 players now I'm sure will agree with me on that one. Classic Fed was an awesome game, and it drew a lot of people together and made them friends when they normally would have never met. Most of the Fed2 community owes a debt to Classic for drawing them into the world of role-playing games, along with bringing them into Fed2. So we bid a final farewell to the sloppy tickles of Classic Fed. May they rest in peace and always be wet and gooey. |
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