QUESTION OF THE WEEK: EXCHANGE EVENTSThis question came up on two separate occasions on the comms in Fed, so obviously it's something that is not clearly understand. That definitely makes it a candidate for Question of the Week. The question is: does the effect of an exchange event last after the reset? Of course, since nothing is simple, the answer is not a straightforward "yes" or "no", but a vague and equivocating "maybe". You see, it depends on what the exchange event did. For those that haven't got to the level where exchange events become relevant yet, a bit of explanation may be in order. Exchange events are random occurrences that happen on planets and affect some aspect of the economy. They can be natural or man-made, and can have an effect on such things as production or consumption, stockpiles or price of a specific commodity on a specific planet. You can see a list of events for the game session by typing 'DI EVENTS'. The events are all cancelled when the game resets, which is why this list only covers the current game session. But the effect of some events will linger, because exchanges don't reset themselves at reset but remember the state they were in before and carry on from where they left off. In practical terms, this means that if an event changes the production or consumption value for a commodity, then when the game resets that change will vanish and the production and consumption will revert to their usual figures. However, if an event changes the stockpile of a commodity by increasing or decreasing the amount available to sell or the amount the exchange needs to fill a deficit, or if the price is increased or decreased, those changes will be saved and will carry on over the reset. Now, next time, can someone please ask us a question we can just answer with a simply affirmative or negatory? |
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