KEEP ON VOTING FOR FED2Last time I wrote an article about why you should keep on voting for Fed2 as your favorite game on The Mud Connector site, I said that Fed2, at position 6 in the rankings, was about 600 votes behind the number 5 game. In just less than a month, your votes have narrowed that gap, and we are now 370 votes behind. That's an amazing effort - thank you! Now we need to keep up the pressure and see if we can shrink their lead even further. Being 370 votes adrift means that 13 extra people need to start voting, and keep voting every day. (Well, technically it's 12.333 recurring people but I don't think any of our Fedders are fractional people!) So if you do not already vote for Fed2 every day, please start doing it now by going to and casting your vote, and then continuing to vote once a day, every single day. And if you do already vote regularly, talk to your friends in the game and if they are not already voters, threaten them at the point of a laser until they agree to vote... no, hang on, perhaps using a mind-control ray to brainwash them into voting would be better... or failing that, do your best to persuade them in a non-violent way! These votes really do make a difference; The Mud Connector is one of the most important sources of new players for the game, and without a steady stream of newbods, the game won't keep going. |
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