MORE RACES OF FED DATASPACEby HazedDo you know what a blackmokona is? No, neither did I - until Mokona submitted a picture for the FedTerm Picture Gallery. Now we can all see that a mokona is a... well, a kind of a black blobby thing. Thankfully, the other new picture sent to the Gallery this week is of a human: Liakell, who is much more attractive to my humanocentric eyes (although no doubt other blackmokonas consider Mokona to be a handsome specimen of the species. You can download both of their pictures from the Gallery. Drop them into your Fedterm pictures sub-folder and now you can see what these two look like, by getting SpyNet Report information on them, examining them, or having a private conversation with them. If you haven't made your own FedTerm character pic, you should do it now. It'll show up on your FedTerm screen above your stats, and you can then send it to to be included in the gallery, so everyone else can see what you look like. Information about how to make your picture are on the FedTerm picture page. |