The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 1, 2006

Official News - page 5


by Hazed

For the third week running, I am delighted to announce that there are some new pictures in the FedTerm picture gallery:

  • Sillphin is a kraxon, a female-type alien with a slightly Rigellian tone to her skin
  • Oris is a female human, with the usual pink-colored skin
  • Astor is a bald human male who appears incredibly pale - or perhaps the lighting was odd when this picture was taken
  • Droid is, as you would expect, a droid - one that has been at the lub-oils, I'd say!
  • Helga is another very pale specimen, a female from the race of mistresses, whatever they are - nice hat, by the way!
  • Lothar is a man in a brown frock, clinging to a tree for dear life, unless we are misinterpreting the picture!

All of these character portraits can be downloaded from Desertwolf's picture gallery.

If you haven't made a picture of your character yet, what's stopping you? If you use FedTerm, you will be able to see your picture every time you log on - it displays above the stats panel. Then if you send it to, we'll add it to the gallery so other players can download it. Details about how to make your own picture are on the FedTerm picture page at

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