A PLAGUE OF ENGINEERSby HazedAs promised, the new Engineering code which was put in last Sunday resulted in 8 promotions on Monday, with another handful later in the week. Their planets advanced to resource level and the exchanges were re-rolled, causing the comms to be filled with conversations about their new economic requirements. This is not a good time for a CEO to be an absentee owner - with the changed production and consumption figures, POs wanted to talk to their factory owners to make sure inputs and outputs matched the planet's needs, and no doubt some factories got expropriated if the CEOs didn't do what the POs wanted! Meanwhile, Merchants and Traders had to learn all over again what kind of markets these planets offered. Of course, the Engineers are having an easy time of it right now, because they don't have to worry about disaffection just yet. When that changes, things could get tough... There will be more information about the perils of not keeping your populace happy in next week's Star. |
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