The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: December 3, 2006

Event Reports - page 3


Thursday November 30
by Fancy-Fancy, Engineer of Toontown

Five players tuned in to the Wacky channel for this week's game of Wacky Words. We had Ddking, Genike, Emie, Zappp, and Oberon all tune in over the course of the evening, with Ddking, Genike, and Emie sending in phrases. I went over the rules of the game for everyone, and when satisfied that everyone knew how to play, began the game.

Word #1: LOBO
Emie won this round with, "Liakell Oughta Be On", securing 2 votes and the vote bonus. Genike collected one vote and the speed bonus with, "Liakell often berates Oberon".

Word #2: FALCON
Genike overwhelmingly won this round with, "Fancy Always Laughs, Cat's Obviously Nuts!" He also guessed the theme tonight, which was college team nicknames. Emie got Genike's vote for the only other point, with "Fancy always lets contestants on now".

Word #3: AGGIES
Genike repeated his feat in the second round with, "Actually Genike Gets Industrial Explosives Safely".

Word #4: MINERS
Ddking collected 2 votes and the vote bonus this round with, "midgets in new england ride safely". Genike garnered one vote and the speed bonus with, "Ming is not Emperor (recently stabbed)".

Word #5: BRUINS
Everybody scored points on this word. Genike scored 2 votes and the vote bonus with, "Bourbon recently urged imperatively no-one sell". Ddking got a vote for, "biocomp releases unacceptable increasing nitrogen samples". And Emie got the speed bonus with, "But really, underneath it Nomad's sweet".

Word #6: REBELS
Emie won the final round with 2 votes, the vote bonus, and the speed bonus for, "Robius embezzles billions, exacerbates latest scandal". Ddking got Emie's vote for the other point with "Ready Everyone? Bet Emie loves sensamps".

I added up everyone's points, and tonight's final scores were:

Genike: 16
Emie: 10
Ddking: 5

Congratulations to Genike for winning this week's Wacky Words! We'll play Wacky Words again on December 14, beginning at 10.00pm eastern. And on December 7, join us for Word Scramble.

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