The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 4, 2007

Official News - page 1


by Hazed

In about ten days time, if all goes to plan, the unpleasant side-effects of planetary disaffection will be turned on. Unrest, rioting and property damage will be visited upon those resource planets that don't keep the population happy. You have been warned: get your builds in order or suffer the consequences. In next week's Star, I'll give you more details about exactly what you can expect.

Meanwhile, there are reports that nervous planet owners have started to remove the cobblestones from their picturesque streets and replace them with ugly but smooth tarmac, lest disgruntled citizens tear them up to use as makeshift weapons during their riots. We are also hearing that pubs and bars are losing their empties - whole crates of beer bottles that should be returned to the breweries for reuse are being stolen. We can only assume that political agitators are stockpiling them in order to make molotov cocktails to hurl at the authorities once the unrest gets underway.

It seems we are in for some "interesting times", as the old proverb says!

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