CHASING CATS, OR WHY YOU SHOULD USE THE ROLE-PLAY FORUMSby CatspawsQuick, show of paws! How many of you know there are role-play forums out there for Fed? How many know where they are? How many have read them? How many have used them? Oh, look, I see two paws still in the air. Aha! I thought so! Role-play team members don't count, Fancy and Squeeky. For the rest of you, I'll catch you up to speed. The Role-play Team, courtesy of that social butterfly, Lynnea, has a role-play forum located, appropriately enough, at It's a nice little site with some appropriate graphics. Ho-hum. So, what makes these forums so special? They are -the- place to go when you want to let others know who and what your Fed character is, what he/she/it likes to do, and your plans. The forums are a much under-used role-play tool that is available for all Fedders. So, if you want to start a secret society, or invite everyone to a party, or just let everyone know why your character is addicted to catnip or chases spaceships, don't forget about the Role-play Forums. |
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