The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 11, 2007


In this week's Fed2 Star:

Official News

Stop press: it's later than you think
Continuing unrest on Rigel, disaffection spreads across the Galaxy
Rioting: the facts
The devil makes work for idle hands
Clive's Collectibles offers new trading card
New vote button encourages you to keep on voting for Fed2
Post a review of Fed2
FedTerm pictures this week
Real life news: curing cancer with anti-matter
Real life news: coffee doesn't wake you up in the morning
Real life news: games make you drive faster
Real life news: how not to drive an expensive car
On the web: total eclipse of the moon
Winding down

Event Reports

Role-play Class
Fed Phrase Game
Fed Phrase Game (early edition)

Fed Funnies

Top ten commands we'd like to see (and why)
...Of the Week

Previous issues

Fed 2 home page