REAL LIFE NEWS: I NAME THIS CHILD... METALLICA!by HazedAround the world, people do choose some very silly names for their children. The rich and famous, of course, have always gone in for daft names: Moonunit Zappa, Fifi Trixibelle Geldoff, Paris Hilton... but ordinary people too sometimes get carried away when coming up with names for their babies. The trouble is, some governments have strict rules about what you can call a child, which does restrict creativity. Sweden is one such country, and a couple has run into trouble with the Swedish authorities for trying to name their newborn Metallica. Under Swedish law, both first and last names need to win the approval of authorities before they can be used. Offensive, unsuitable or inappropriate names, as well as those that could "cause discomfort for the one using it" cannot be used. So although six-month-old Metallica has been baptised, tax officials are refusing to allow the name. The case is now being fought in the courts. It's hard to know who I want to win. On the one hand, I think governments should not be able to interfere in such personal matters; on the other hand, you have to feel sorry for a kid dubbed Metallica. Surely that's an invitation to be bullied! |
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