VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTENby HazedAre you one of those people who vote for Fed2 every day? If you are, then you can stop reading this article and move onto the next one. Go on, just skip right over the next few paragraphs because they won't tell you anything you don't already know. This article is addressed to the rest of you. To those who have no idea what I am talking about when I say "vote for Fed". And also to those that know all about voting but just don't bother. First, an explanation. What is all this voting business about, anyway? It's about our position in the rankings of the most popular online games, as counted by The Mud Connector, also known as TMC. TMC is one of the leading websites about online games, and a lot of people when looking for a new game to play go and look at this site to find out what's out there. For obvious reasons, we want them to pick Fed2. But the site lists thousands of different games so we need to find a way to make Fed2 stand out from the crowd. TMC provides one way: they rank the games by popularity, and keeping Fed2 in the Top Ten makes it visible to casual visitors to the site. What's more, the higher up the list we go, the more impressive we look, which means the more new players we'll get coming over to check Fed2 out. We're currently at number 4 in the charts which is excellent, but it would be even better if we could make it to number 3. Your next question will inevitably be: how is the popularity of a game calculated? By the number of votes that players of the game cast. Click on the VOTE button on the Fed2 front page and you will cast a vote for the game. However, just voting once doesn't do us all that much good. You need to vote for us every day. (But only once a day because extra votes from the same computer are discarded.) Only votes cast in the last 30 days are counted - every day, the votes from 31 days ago get dropped from the totals. So the only way to increase our vote total is to get more people who will keep on voting every day. That's why if you don't already vote, or if you only vote occasionally, when you remember, from time to time, if you can be bothered, I want to persuade you to make it part of your daily routine - when you sit down at your computer to play Fed2, before you log on, go and vote for us. Click that VOTE button every day. |
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