The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 13, 2007


In this week's Fed2 Star:

Official News

New version of FedTerm released
FedTerm planet pictures
But what about the Mac version?
Keeping an eye on the comms
What kind of a player are you?
Real life news: vandalized elevator takes its revenge
Real life news: Scotty's ashes lost in the mountains
Real life news: don't lend granny your iPod
Real life news: students never have to get out of bed again, ever
On the web: how to be a superhero
On the web: mother's day video
Winding Down

Event Reports

Cryptograms is not a guessing game
Fed Phrase Game (early edition)

Fed Funnies

Top ten reasons not to go to sleep in Fed
...Of the Week

Previous issues

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