The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 10, 2007

Official News - page 9


by Hazed

Yes, it's true, they have invented powdered alcohol - just add water! It's the brainchild (if that's the right word) of Dutch students who are now selling a powdered alcoholic beverage for about one Euro per 20-gram packet. It's called Booz2Go and when it's rehydrated it turns into a bubbly, lime-colored and flavored drink with just three percent alcohol content - although surely the alcohol content depends on how much water you use to dilute it!

Harm van Elderen and four classmates at Helicon Vocational Institute brewed up Booz2Go as part of a final year project and say a number of companies are interested in marketing the product on the grounds that powdered alcohol might be exempt from booze taxation. Although not for long, I am sure - if this takes off, governments are pretty soon going to close that loophole!

The drink will no doubt be aimed at the alcopop market who will love the gimmick, but I can also see uses in situations where alcohol would normally be banned: just smuggle the powder in, disguised perhaps as talcum powder, and tip it into your glass of aqua minerale. That would relieve the boredom of business meetings no end!

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