The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 17, 2007

Official News - page 3


by Hazed

Bella has not only been working on money transfers, she's also been implementing the new builds that Moguls can do to improve their Industrial level planets. So far, there are 4:

  • Radio, television and holovision
  • Satellite launch facility
  • Technical institute
  • Ports

If you want to know what those builds do you can read the information about them in the Idiot's Guide - just go to the page that lists all of the builds and click on the relevant entries, to see what effect the new builds which are sprouting up on planets belonging to test team members actually have.

And don't feel too bad that you are reading about things unavailable to you right now; it won't be long until the promotion is opened up to players generally.

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