SLOPPY JOESby HazedIt's time for me to put on my lecturing head, and give a good old scolding to those new Moguls who made a mess of the planet files you sent in for your second worlds. Over half of the new planets submitted in the last few days had errors which meant I had to chuck them back at the owners to be corrected. I don't know whether it's because you Moguls, having got one planet into the game already, were complacent when it came to designing the second planet and didn't do all the checking you should, but the ratio of correct planets to incorrect ones was a lot higher than I see from players sending in their first planets! Some of the errors, admittedly, were things that the Tesla planet checker does not pick up on. Problems with the properties, such as locations on the space map that did not have the "space" property set, or locations on the planet map that were flagged as "space". A couple of planets didn't have the "exchange" property set, and if Bella and I had not caught that error it would have meant your second planet would have been added to the game with no economy, which would have left it no use to anyone. Ok, so Tesla did not tell you about those errors, but even Tesla is no substitute for looking at your work and checking with your very own eyeballs (or equivalent) that all the properties are where you want them to be. However, what's even more irritating is when the files have errors which Tesla does identify as problems. If you use Windows, you must run your planet files through the Tesla checker before you send them in. You can download it from the Workbench web pages here. Lecture mode off! |