The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 22, 2007


In this week's Fed2 Star:

Official News

Newsdroid holiday
New version of Windows map editor
Bug fixed in Mac map editor
Looking forward to events
FedTerm character pictures
Federation 2: the comic - The Merchant of Venus
Real life news: how do you talk?
Real life news: the most expensive toilet, ever?
Real life news: German computer defenestration
Real life news: an unusual way to celebrate Harry Potter
On the web: the worst super-powers
Girly geek toy: solar bikini
Winding down

Inside Scoop

Desperately seeking Kblackdragon
Sol Access
Advertisement: wanted criminal

Event Reports

Fed Phrase Game Roadshow

Fed Funnies

Top Ten crimes according to the demi-goddess
...Of the Week

Previous issues

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