The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: August 19, 2007

Event Reports - page 2


Tuesday July 31
by Fancy-Fancy, Mogul of Toontown

Three players joined me in Studio 1 for tonight's edition of FEDPARDY! Trilleth, Djmayhem, and Lagkiller all came in to test their Fed trivia knowledge, and Racingnut tuned in for some of the game on the channel. I gave a refresher on how to play the game for our players, some of whom hadn't played in a while. That done, we took a look at tonight's categories, which were: F Words, Commodities, Earth below us, and Akaturi Items. The players spun the wheel in the studio for the chance to select first, and that honor went to Lagkiller, who picked Akaturi items for 1 to start.

Our players tonight mostly responded correctly when they rang in. Lagkiller rang in to respond correctly to that first answer, the 2 was passed, and Djmayhem made one of the few incorrect responses on the 3 pointer. Lagkiller then found the first Daily Double under the 4 point answer. He decided to risk 1 point on it, and this was the answer:

This ancient coding machine, used during Earth's Second World War, has been carefully restored.

He responded with, "What is an enigma?", which was correct for 1 point. They finished off the category with Trilleth ringing in to grab the 5 point answer. Trilleth then started the F Words category in which she collected the 1 point answer, Lagkiller collected the 2 and 4, and the 3 and 5 pointers were passed. Lagkiller led at the break with 8, followed by Trilleth with 6, and Djmayhem was in the hole with -3, giving him the first selection of Double Fedpardy.

Dj selected Commodities for 2 to start Double Fedpardy, and rang in just in time to respond, and responded correctly. Lagkiller got the 4 pointer, Dj the 6, Lag the 8, and Trilleth the 10 in that category. That left the "Earth below us" category, and Trilleth picked up 2 after Lagkiller responded incorrectly. Djmayhem got the 4 pointer, and then found the other Daily Double. With 9 points to 18 each for Trilleth and Lagkiller, Djmayhem decided to risk 7, and this was the answer:

This specialist shop contains the Galaxy's largest collection of rare, old musical recordings on their original media. Racks of disks, tapes and holos fill the interior, and collectors browse through, giving the occasional exclamation when they find something thought lost.

Dj couldn't come up with a response, though, so that cost him 7 points. He made it back, though, by getting the 8 point answer correct, and nobody tried the 10. That brought us to the end of Double Fedpardy, and the scores were:

Lagkiller: 18
Trilleth: 18
Djmayhem: 10

All three advanced to Final Fedpardy, where they would get to wager as many of their points as they wished. And to help them decide their wagers, the category tonight was Commands. After our Finalists had all placed their wagers, I reminded them to make sure to phrase their responses in the form of a question, and they all verified they were ready, I presented tonight's Final Fedpardy answer:

This command is provided as an alternate to starting all over for failing players at certain ranks.

We started with Djmayhem and took a look at what he write down. It was, "declare bankruptcy". But since it was not in the form of a question, we could not give him credit for it. His wager was zero, so it actually didn't cost him anything, and he remained at 10 points.

We looked at Trilleth's response next. Her response was, "Bankrupt". Unfortunately, even if it had been the right command, that also was not in the form of a question. Trilleth's wager was 18 points, taking her down to nothing.

That brought us to Lagkiller. He wrote down, "What is declare bankruptcy?" for his response - correct command, and in the form of a question, for a correct response. His wager was 5 points, boosting his score to 23, and making him this week's Fedpardy champion.

Congratulations to Lagkiller, winner of this week's Fedpardy. Kudos also to our runners-up, Djmayhem in second, and Trilleth in third. Join us again for our next exciting edition of FEDPARDY!, alternating with the Fed Phrase Game on Tuesday nights at 10.00pm eastern.

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