The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 16, 2007

Official News - page 4


by Hazed

The Fed2 Star is read by influential people all over the Galaxy, including the functionaries at the Galactic Administration. I know this because sometimes they send me fanmail telling me how much they enjoy it. And also because they have been known to act on suggestions that get published. Yes, they steal my ideas! Obviously they believe in stealing from the best...

A few weeks ago, when I told you about the fact that there were not going to be any shareholders' rebellions or planetary riots, and that the taxman had stopped investigating excess profits, I expressed amazement at this unexpected niceness and said: "Next we'll be hearing about the Galactic Administration handing out free sweeties to all the children!"

Well, someone at the GA obviously read this and thought it would be a great idea to improve the public's confidence in the ruling organization, because in the biggest PR stunt since celebrities Brix Chanterel and Jeritt Lightstar got married (and then divorced three days later), they are doing just that: handing out free sweeties to everyone, not just children. The candyman has been positioned outside their HQ with an endless supply of confectionery, and you can just help yourself.

Just don't blame us you get sick from eating too many!

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