The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 21, 2007

Event Reports page 3


Tuesday October 16
by Fancy-Fancy, Mogul of Toontown

Three players joined me in Studio 1 tonight for the Fed Phrase Game. Butters, Chriseli, and Wolffu arrived to try their luck with the wheel and skill with the puzzles. I went over the rules for our new players, answered questions on other rules, and then determined the order in which they would play. Wolffu gained the first slot, followed by Chriseli, and then Butters.

Tonight's first puzzle was 3 word things (12, 6, and 9 letters), which Wolffu got to start. Wolf found an S and two T's before landing on a Bankrupt, ending its turn. Chriseli took over and promptly landed on a free spin, which she picked up with an R. L's and N's gave her points to buy E's and A's before she landed on and picked up a second free spin with a G. She bought the O and U, found a C, M's, and P's, then bought the I's. That enabled her to solve the puzzle - experimental living computers - to take Round 1 for 2800 points.

Butters was up next to start our second puzzle, a 5 word thing (5, 2, 4, 3, and 8 letters). He called D, N, A, R, S, M, E, T, and L to rack up 1250 points before landing on a Free Spin and the opportunity to pick it up. His choice of H, though, was not in the puzzle, turning the puzzle over to Wolffu. Wolffu accumulated 750 points and a free spin with the C, P, O, and F before selecting a Y missing from the puzzle. Wolf decided to save the free spin, and Chriseli took over. She spun once, landed on 600, called W, of which there was one, and then solved - miles of pipe and ductwork - for another 600 permanent points.

The category for Round 3 was 3 word living things (6, 6, and 6 letters), and we were back to Butters to start the puzzle. He found a pair of N's and a pair of S's, then bought an O, but there were none in this puzzle, turning it over to Wolffu. With a free spin carrying over, Wolf racked up 2700 points with a pair of T's and a pair of R's before selecting a W missing from the puzzle. Wolf decided to use its free spin there, and chose a D, but that was also missing from the puzzle. Chriseli got the puzzle with two free spins carrying over from earlier, and promptly spun Lose a Turn. She used one of those Free Spins to continue her turn, and found a pair of M's for 1000 each. She bought the E and A's, then spun 500 and found two L's, leaving only vowels. She bought the I's, filling the remaining spaces in the puzzle, and then read what was on the board to solve - Minter-strain llamas - for 2250 points.

We had time for one more puzzle, and our finale was a 6 word person (6, 3, 4, 4, 6, and 4 letters). Once again, we were back to Butters to start the puzzle. He picked up 1800 points from two N's and two T's, and then was shocked when he called D and there weren't any. Wolffu took over and called G, H, E, R, A, S, and Y for 1500 points before a Lose a Turn ended its turn, and gave Chriseli a shot. Once again she took advantage, placing the W, M, I's, and O's, then solving the puzzle - portly man with long, greasy hair - for 300 points.

That brought us to the end of tonight's game, and tonight's big winner, with a sweep of the puzzles, was Chriseli, for 5950 total points. Congratulations to Chriseli, and thanks to Butters and Wolffu for playing. Join us again October 30 for our next edition of the Fed Phrase Game. And we'll also play FEDPARDY! on October 23, starting at 10.00pm Eastern.

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