THE TAXMAN IS ALMOST HEREby HazedBrace yourselves, because the free ride you've been enjoying for the past few months is about to come to an end. Tomorrow, the taxman returns from his vacation, and he's keen to start gouging the rich to give to the tax department. With his return, the restraint displayed by shareholders and citizens will come to an end, and the bad things that go with disaffection will reappear: rebellions, riots, arson, looting, plagues of locusts and the like. The taxman was keen to introduce double taxation to make up for all the money that missed out on being taxed in his absence, but wiser heads at the Galactic Administration persuaded him to stick to the old tax thresholds lest he provoke even more riots! So make sure your company is not showing any disaffection, and your planet's populace has awarded you a positive approval rating, or you will suffer after tomorrow. Do I need to print a big red warning again? Probably not, but here it is anyway. WARNING: TAXES AND THE EFFECTS OF DISAFFECTION COME BACK AT MONDAY'S RESET. There. You can't say I didn't tell you in advance! |
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