REAL LIFE NEWS: INSTANT MACEby HazedHere's something that will appeal to women. Imagine the scenario: you are walking home late at night, all alone, down dark and deserted streets, when suddenly you hear footsteps behind you. You fumble in your bag looking for the mace which you've been carrying for months but never needed before, but of course it's fallen to the bottom and is buried in a mound of dirty tissues, old till receipts, breath mints and all the other debris that finds its way into the bottom of any handbag/purse (delete as appropriate depending on your nationality). Before you can find the spray, your assailant is on you and... Well, I don't need to go on. What's needed is a way to ensure that when you need to burn off an attacker's face, your mace is available right now. What you want is a new "Spider-Man" style bracelet which is loaded up with the noxious stuff. To use it you just turn your wrist up and do the motion you must be familiar with from the Spiderman films. Only instead of shooting web like Spidey, you will shoot mace, right into the face of the bad guy. Of course, you'd better be careful not to twitch in the wrong way when reaching out to hug a loved one, or the mace might go off and blind the wrong person! The device will go on sale later this year for $30. More details, and a video of the mace-bracelet (macelet?) in action here. |
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