The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: December 9, 2007

Official News page 3


by Hazed

The new version of the Tesla planet checker has been released. This adds a new bunch of checks for things that the game objects to, such as misplaced space properties, too many exchanges or hyperspace links, or errors in the map title. It also gives you more information as part of its report, telling you how many locations each map contains, and the locations with the most important properties - the exchange and the link - so you have an extra check that you have put them in the right place.

This version of Tesla is brand new in more than one sense. Not only does it have more checks, it's actually been rewritten from scratch using a different programming environment. The reason Alan has done this is because he will be able to produce versions for the Mac and for Linux from the same code base. For now, though, the new version is just for Windows - we will make sure nobody finds any problems before coming up with the other versions.

Anyone who is designing a planet, or making changes to an existing planet - no matter how minor - needs to use Tesla before submitting the files to be linked into the game, and you should make sure you get this up-to-date version so you have the full arsenal of checks. Download it from the Tesla windows page.

There is also a manual for Tesla which explains how it works and lists exactly what it checks for. For those of you who do actually bother to read manuals, read it here. It's got a pretty screenshot, as an added incentive to go there!

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