WHY IS THERE NEVER A SHUTTLE WHEN YOU NEED ONE?by HazedAdventurers, who have to deliver important and valuable packages all over the Solar System, hate one destination above all others: Hobbs End mine on Venus. Of course, they understand that miners need their packages, but they always grumble when they have to be the one to deliver them. The problem, of course, is the Venus shuttle. It may be a very convenient way to connect the remote and far-flung mines on the planet, but it sure is tedious. First you have to wait on the Cargon City station for it to arrive - and if you've just missed it, that is a really long wait. Then once you do manage to get on, pushing your way through the commuters, and if you are lucky getting a seat - or if not having to hang onto one of those strappy handles, getting flung from side to side as the shuttle careens around bends, squashed between a huge slimy alien on one side and a bulky smelly human on the other - you have to wait while it moves between stations, until finally, after four stops, it arrives at Hobbs End. So you hop out, rush into the admin office for the mine, drop off the parcel, and hurtle back to the station, only to see the shuttle just pulling out again. Another wait, then mercifully it's just one short stop back to Cargon. What a pain. Now, there's a new command you can use to help while away the tedium while waiting for the shuttle, or when you're in it. Type 'WAIT' and see what happens. Those of you who remember the good old days with fond, dewy-eyed nostalgia, who are always mumbling on about how it much better in the golden age of your youth, will no doubt complain that in your day Yak 42s tasted much better... |
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