The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 9, 2008

Event Reports page 2


Tuesday February 26
by Fancy-Fancy, Mogul of Toontown

Six players joined me in Studio 1 for tonight's edition of FEDPARDY! Myrrh and Angelfowl arrived shortly after my initial announcement, then just as I was about to give up on having enough players, Davidh, Stiddleficks, and Joe all came in, giving us enough, and Trilleth tuned in to the channel. I verified that everyone knew how to play and clarified a few details, after which I told everyone tonight's categories. They were: Look Before You Leap, K-Line, Hauling, hauling, hauling..., and Fly Me to the Moon. Davidh won the initial selection, and picked Hauling, hauling, hauling... for 1 to start.

David was the quickest on ringing in on that answer and got it. Angelfowl was quicker to grab the 2, and David got the 3 before missing the 4, which Stiddleficks picked up. We finished the category with David picking up the 5 after Myrrh missed it. David then started Look Before You Leap for 1, but both Myrrh and David tried and missed it. Jazir showed up then as David selected K-Line for 1, and Myrrh got it. Jazir then scored the 2 pointer, and the 3 pointer got passed. Fly Me to the Moon for 2 finished off the first half, with David getting it right after Jazir took too much time. That put David ahead with 6, to 4 for Stiddleficks, 2 for Angelfowl, 0 for Jazir, and -5 for Myrrh. That was when Myrrh left us, so Jazir got the first selection of Double Fedpardy instead.

Jazir started Double Fedpardy with Look Before You Leap for 4, and after everyone passed on trying that one and I told what it was, Jazir caught fire for the rest of the category, collecting the 6, 8, and 10 point answers in the category, remembering the places that warn of mortal danger nearby. Jazir selected K-Line for 8 next and found the first of two Daily Doubles. He decided to risk 4 points, and this was the answer:

A woman by this name greets visitors to the Pearl, and gives them directions to where they want to go.

He got it right with "Who is Madame Kiko?", then finished up the category by selecting the 10 point answer. David rang in and got that one, closing the gap with Jazir to 28-16. That left Fly Me to the Moon as our remaining category, and David selected the 2 point answer first. Jazir beat him to the buzzer and got the points. The 6 point answer was next, and David rang in on it, but missed. Jazir then found the other Daily Double under the 10 point answer. With a 30-10 lead, Jazir bet 3 points, and this was the answer:

A lounge has been filled with these for the workers of the colony. It's an opportunity for even the lowest paid workers to be entertained and gamble away their groats.

Unfortunately for Jazir, he responded, "Where is the slot lounge?" instead of "What are slot machines?", which would have been correct. We finished up with the 8 point answer, which David rang in on immediately, but couldn't come up with the correct response in time, and nobody else tried it. That brought us to the end of Double Fedpardy. Our scores stood at

Jazir: 27
Stiddleficks: 4
Angelfowl: 2
Davidh: 2
Myrrh: -5

That put Jazir, Stiddleficks, Angelfowl, and Davidh into Final Fedpardy, where the category tonight was *A Flying Leap *. Jazir, David, and Angelfowl all placed their wagers. Then when they verified they were all ready, I presented tonight's Final Fedpardy answer:

G Shoddy & Offspring Ltd. is the company that offers this activity for those bold enough to try it.

We started with Davidh, who responded, "What is bungee jumping?" That was correct. He wagered both his points, boosting his score to 4.

We moved over to Angelfowl next. But she responded, "What is... anti-grav basketball?" We knew that to be wrong by then. Angel wagered and lost both her points.

That left Jazir, who responded, "What is skiing?", which was incorrect. His wager was zero, ensuring that he would be this week's Fedpardy champion with 27 points.

Congratulations to Jazir on first place, Davidh and Stiddleficks on a tie for second, and Angelfowl in fourth place in tonight's Fedpardy. Thanks also to Joe and Myrrh for playing, and Trilleth for watching. Join us again March 11, beginning at 10.00pm eastern, for our next edition of FEDPARDY!

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