The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 16, 2008

Official News page 3


by Hazed

It's time I reminded you all that when you send email to feedback, or to any individual at ibgames, you must, Must, MUST put "Fed2" somewhere in the subject line so that your mail can be filtered into a folder for real, genuine mail sent by a real, genuine player.

I currently get in excess of 1,000 pieces of email each day. Of that, about 20-30 are real, genuine emails that I want to read; the rest is spam. My mail program does its best, and generally it accurately weeds out about 600 of them which are totally obvious spam; it then filters out the ones that come from people on my white list, or that put "Fed2" in the subject line, so that I know I have to read them. That leaves 300-400 that could be real or could be spam, and the only way to tell the difference is for me to run my eye-balls over the subject lines to pick out the one or two that are not trying to sell me stuff. Needless to say, sometimes I make mistakes, and a real, genuine email from a real, genuine player gets zapped.

Make sure that your real, genuine mail doesn't suffer that fate by putting "Fed" in the subject line.

And don't forget that the correct email address for feedback is Anything sent to .net is destined for the bit bucket.

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