The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 30, 2008

Official News page 9


by Hazed

If this is a question which has troubled you, then you will be delighted to know that we now have an answer, thanks to a Japanese astronaut on the ISS. Takao Doi - yes, the same guy who is experimenting with space undies - took part in an experiment to find out what happens when you throw a boomerang in micro-gravity.

If you think this is a colossal waste of time which could be much better spent doing something worthwhile, don't worry - the experiment took place in his free time.

And the answer? Yes, the boomerang did work - it came back. "I was very surprised and moved to see that it flew the same way it does on Earth," he said.

What next - frisbee throwing? Tiddlywinks? Conkers in space?

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