The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 11, 2008

Event Reports page 5


Sunday May 4
by Catspaws
Instructor: Smitty

A year ago or more, I had dreams of setting up classes on Planetary Economics. With that end in mind, I established Catseye University, with a classroom just for planet owners. Unfortunately, at that time, we didn't have remote commands, and no one wanted to leave their planets for classes, so the idea was dropped. Even after Bella listened to our requests and gave us remote commands to run our planets, we continued to hide out on our own little worlds. Until May 4, when Smitty was the instructor for the very first planetary economics class. Twelve or more students were in the classroom, with six or more listening over the Economics channel. It was almost like the old days, and some even thought I was going for the TTTT.

The class was a long one, but there was a lot of material to be covered, and there was a lot of participation from the students eager to hear how Smitty was able to successfully run his exchanges. I want to give a special thank you to Smitty for giving an excellent lesson, and to all who attended, who were attentive and active in the class.

Hostess' Disclaimer: The ideas and suggestions presented by the instructors are their own, and are not necessarily accurate, nor represent those of IBGames or their staff.

This said, go on over to the Class Log and see for yourself what tips Smitty presented at the very first Planetary Economics Class.

Next week, May 11, Djentsch will be our instructor, covering Planet Builds.

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