The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 18, 2008

Event Reports page 2


Tuesday May 13
by Fancy-Fancy, Technocrat of Toontown

Four players joined me in Studio 1 for tonight's game. Occy, Joe, and Smitty came to play, while Boone came to watch. Everyone already knew how to play, so we got right into the game and determined their playing order. Smitty got first, followed by Occy, then Joe.

Our first puzzle was 5 word things (7, 3, 6, 4, and 7 letters), and Smitty got to start it. Smitty started off finding 2 R's for 1000 each, only to hit a Bankrupt on the next spin. Occy found 4 L's for 500 each for 2000 points, only to land on Lose a Turn with his next spin. Joe took over and found a T, 4 S's, an N, and 2 G's for 2700 points before picking a W not in the puzzle. Smitty got the puzzle back, but couldn't find a P. Occy then found no C's. Joe bought the A's and E, before spinning and picking a Y missing from the puzzle. Smitty landed on Free Spin and picked it up with a D. He then found an H for 600, bought the O's for 250, and then solved - strange oil-filled hour-glasses - for 350 points.

Tonight's second puzzle was 4 word things (5, 5, 7, and 8 letters). Occy was up next to start this puzzle. He started by finding 3 S's, 5 L's, and 2 R's before picking an H not in the puzzle. Joe took over and found a couple T's, but his next pick of an N was not in the puzzle. Smitty tried a P, but there was none. He decided to save his carried-over free spin for later, and Occy took over. But there were no K's for Occy, nor B's for Joe, and Smitty had the puzzle back. He found a D, bought the I, found two C's, bought the O's and A's, and found two M's before solving - small multi-colored crystals - for 1750 points.

Our third puzzle was 3 word food & drink (3, 10, and 3 letters), and we were back to Occy again to start it. He started with three L's for 600 each, then picked up a Free Spin of his own with an S, which he decided to use after he picked an N missing from the puzzle on his next spin. Occy found a P for 350, but no T's after that. Joe took over and found an R, but no C. Smitty spun a Bankrupt, and decided to use his free spin. But he couldn't find any G's with it. Occy couldn't find any F's, and Joe got the puzzle back. He bought the A's and E, leaving him with 100 points, so he spun next, but there were no B's for him. Smitty spun a Lose a Turn. Occy couldn't find any M's in the puzzle. Joe finally found another letter, with two D's for 700 each. That gave him the points to buy the O's, after which he spun 150 and placed the last consonant, an H. Joe then solved - Old Drosophila Ale - for 1400 points.

We had time for one more puzzle, and it was a 5 word thing (5, 4, 5, 8, and 8 letters). Smitty started this one, and found 4 R's to start, but no D's after that. Occy took over and found an L, 3 S's, 4 T's, a P, 3 N's, an F, the A's, and an H for 3900 points. He then bought the E, I's, and O, finishing the vowels, and making the puzzle look like this:

_ rain that for_s s_irlin _ patterns

That's when our players ran into some trouble. Occy filled in the M, but there was no B for him after that. Joe spun a Bankrupt. Smitty placed two G's, and then tried to solve, but got the remaining letter wrong. Occy spun and tried K, but that was not the remaining letter. Joe had nothing to risk, so he spun, landed on 300, and filled in the last letter with a W, then solved - grain that forms swirling patterns - for 300 points.

That brought us to the end of our game. Tonight's runner up with 1700 points was Joe. And tonight's big winner with 2100 points was Smitty! Congratulations to our winners, and thanks to all our players for playing. Join us again on May 27 for our next edition of the Fed Phrase Game, and on May 20 for our next FEDPARDY!

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