The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 1, 2008

Event Reports page 1


Saturday May 24
by Angelfowl

Unfortunately, the mouse couldn't run Wacky Words this week. So I somehow got roped into it! Jewells, Munabilo, Andrew, and Gorsoomba decided to bear with me trying to do this.

After trying to remember how Wacky Words worked, we got started. The first word was EARTH, and everyone started guessing planets in Sol for the theme - I had to say "Nope". But for the round I got this phrase from Andrew: "Every Anti Rocks the House." He got a point for being the fastest, and Gorsoomba got 3 points for "every afternoon reckless traders haul."

Then we had HEART and TAPE, which confused everyone greatly on the theme for the game. Munabilo thought it was "Words made up of the same letters" until TAPE came up. Gorsoomba thought, "Is it like Home is where the heart is?"


Finally after the word, ROUND, I got a TB from Jewells that said: WORMS!!!. I had to tell her... Yep, that was the theme for the night!

Our final word for the night was HOOK, and the phrases were:

Andrew: "How's outlook on Kats"
Jewells: "Have Old Olibanum Kicked (munabilo backwards)"
Munabilo: "Haul over, output Katydidics"

Final scores for the evening were:

Gorsoomba in fourth with: 4
Andrew in third with: 6
Jewells in second with: 7

And our winner for tonight with 9 points... Munabilo! Thanks for playing, and join Squeeky next time for another Wacky Words, played on alternate Saturdays at 10.00pm eastern.

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