The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 8, 2008

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

Poor Kblackdragon came into Fed the other day complaining bitterly about his problems:

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Kblackdragon, "I don't think this day could get any worse. Random pieces of my car falling off on the highway, then I come into the office and the sewage is backed up."

Well, this was a challenge. We were sure we could come up with plenty of ways in which his day could get a lot worse. And so we did.

1. You could get struck by lightning.
2. The contents of the space station bathroom could fall on your house.
3. A herd of enraged wildebeest could stampede up the road and flatten your office completely.
4. Your dog could turn rabid and chew off one of your legs.
5. Your office colleagues could turn into zombies and chew off one of your legs.
6. An alien mind controller device could force you to assassinate the president.
7. Your office could get infested by rodents.
8. Your car, from which bits fell off, could transform itself into a giant war machine, and wreak havoc all across the land. And... YOU get blamed for it!
9. You could meet Arnie in a back alley - he's naked, and he demands your clothes!
10. You could wake up after a wild party and find Arlene asleep in bed next to you.

Thanks to Djentsch, Meteu, Sparrow and Zardoz for their suggestions.

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