The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: August 10, 2008

Event Reports page 1


Saturday August 2
by Squeeky

Tonight we had an exciting game of Wacky Words, with four people playing: Andrew, Jordis, Kalandra and Lippin. The theme for the night was types of cars, and it was correctly guessed by Andrew.

The first word of the night was EAGLE, and here's the phrases the players came up with:

Andrew, "every alt gets life expectancy"
Kalandra, "Even at Gengineer, Livestock escape"
Jordis, "Every Arts gets late entries"

Round two saw the contestants making phrases from the wacky word HONDA:
Jordis, "help on Nano-tech daily already"
Andrew, "Having one nasty day Angelfowl?"
Kalandra, "Hypnos ordinarily necessitate decisive action"

The third word of the night was MAZDA:
Jordis, "My arse zooms daily around"
Andrew, "You Might Ask Zardoz Directions Again"
Lippin, "Many adroids zip down alloys"
Kalandra, "Many adventurers, zardoz drives action"

In round four, the word was NISSAN:
Jordis, "nanobots inch seriously slow around Nutoid"
Andrew, "naughty is sexy, snerts are not"
Lippin, "narrow islands show some airy nitros"

The fifth wacky word was FERRARI:
Jordis, "fast entries run rampant and really interesting"
Lippin, "Forty egrots really ran after raising ingots"
Andrew, "frequent emergencies rarely rise along rocky inlets"

And the last word of the night was BENTLEY:
Jordis, "bring each nanobot to long enteresting yoga"
Andrew, "buy energy nanos to lighten every yard"
Lippin, "being evil never takes long even yet"

After I added up all the scores, coming in first was Jordis with 12 points, closely followed by Andrew with 11 points in second place. In third was Lippin with 6 points. Join me in two weeks for another game of Wacky Words.

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