The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: August 24, 2008

Official News page 1


by Freya

Last week we asked you to find "the writing on the wall". And we received some interesting interpretations of what I thought was a pretty straightforward questions. While somewhat presumptuous, the winning answer was clever and the location involved was reasonably obscure enough for merit points.

So this week's winner of Freya's Quiz is Zarquad with:

My favorite graffiti is the red one just off the Titan LP that reads, "We love overlord Zarquad!" - as to why, well if your name was Zarquad, you'd love it too.

And chalk up 1 house point towards the final annual runoff contest - yes, we'll hold a special year end contest with unique and valuable prizes for the winners of all the weekly quizzes. More details nearer the actual contest date. But get your quiz entries in now for the weekly qualifying quizzes.

For next week's quiz we invite you to visit the restaurants and cafes of the Solar System and pick out the most interesting food offered for sale. Send us a "restaurant review" featuring that special dish, lovely or horrid.

Send your answer to (please put Fed2 in the subject line). The deadline is last thing on Friday. The winner gets his, her or its name in next week's Fed2 Star - and the surprise prize if your answer is really spectacularly impressive.

Congrats to Zarquad on his win.

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