The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: November 30, 2008

Event Reports page 4


Tuesday November 18
by Fancy-Fancy, Technocrat of Toontown

We got three players for this week's Fedpardy. Meteu, Tenabutter, and Dinger all showed up to play. All three already knew how to play, so we went right to the categories - Henry the "ate", You... Belong in the Zoo, The Magellan Society, and Akaturi Items - and determining who would get the first selection. That honor fell to Meteu. He selected The Magellan Society for 1 to start, and the game was underway.

Tenabutter rang in and collected the first point of the night. Dinger gained the next point in Henry the "ate" after Tenabutter and Meteu both tried and missed. Dinger went back to the Magellan Society for 2 and got that one after Meteu missed. After everyone passed on trying the 3 in that category, Dinger found the first Daily Double under the 4. Dinger bet the maximum 5 allowed for his score, and this was the answer:

During the course of the test, you do pick this up. By the end, it's easy to see why it's being called a weapon of mass destruction.

Dinger got it correct by identifying the magnet. Tenabutter scored the 5 pointer to finish off the Magellan Society category. Meteu lost a couple points on Henry the "ate", but got one back with Akaturi Items. A couple more passed questions brought us to the break. Dinger led with 8, to 5 for Tenabutter, and -2 for Meteu, meaning Meteu got to select first in Double Fedpardy.

With all remaining point values doubled, Meteu started Double Fedpardy with Henry the "ate" for 6. Nobody tried it, and Meteu selected Akaturi Items for 6. Tenabutter and Dinger both tried and missed that one. Meteu tried the 10 point clue in You... Belong in the Zoo, but got it wrong. Then he found the other Daily Double. He went for the maximum 10 points, and the clue was:

In several places around the solar system, you can find the head of this animal mounted on the wall, or on a plaque.

Meteu responded, "What is a lion?", but the correct animal was a moose, or stag, so that cost him 10 more. After a pass on Akaturi for 10, Meteu scored the 4 pointer in Zoo, and Dinger the 8 and 2. Meteu got the 8 pointer in Akaturi Items, leaving Henry the "ate" for 10, which no one tried. And the end of Double Fedpardy, the scores were: Dinger 12, Tenabutter -1, Meteu -10.

Dinger was our lone Final Fedpardy contestant tonight, and he had the category of Objects and Mobiles to decide how much he wanted to bet. After Dinger decided his wager, and verified he was ready, I revealed tonight's Final Fedpardy answer:

With this role-playing object, you actually stand a chance of making a groat or two when using it.

When time was up, we looked at Dinger's response - "what is lucky louie?" While one can make some groats at that game, it's not an object, and was therefore incorrect. The correct object for this was the tap shoes. Dinger's wager was 6 points, leaving him with 6, and he became this week's FEDPARDY! champion. And three players set off for Castillo resolved to play with the tap shoes until they saw the particular event for themselves.

Congratulations to Dinger. Join us again December 2 at 10.00pm eastern for our next exciting edition of FEDPARDY! And on December 9, join us for the Fed Phrase Game.

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