The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 18, 2009

Official News page 3


by Hazed

Two changes to objects that crept in recently...

No-teleport objects marked

When teleporters are implemented, there will be a number of things that stop them from working. You won't be able to teleport to or from a location with a teleport shield on it; you won't be able to teleport with cargo in your ship's hold; and you won't be able to teleport if you are carrying any teleport-shielded objects in your inventory or your ship's locker.

So you can check whether any of your belongings will stop your teleporter working, when you look at your inventory or your ship's locker, any objects which are no-teleport are now marked as such. You will then have the choice of discarded them, or going to your destination the long way round.

If you want to see what this looks like, go and buy a music box from Hagar's shop on Earth. The kalindra that you end up with cannot be teleported. Well, it is so heavy...

Ship Lockers expanded

Long-standing players who owned every single charm that had ever been sold were starting to run out of room for all of their belongings. Even the strongest of Fedders can only carry so many items, and ship lockers only had shelf space for 50, so the time was fast approaching when hard decisions would have to made about what to keep and what to discard.

Well, that time has now receded into the distance because ship lockers have been expanded so that they now hold up to 75 objects.

Bella says that this change is intended to be temporary because in the future POs will be able to purchase display cabinets in which they can place objects on their planets, and when they become available she'll take out some of the extra shelves in the ship lockers to return them to their former size.


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