The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 15, 2009

Fed Funnies page 1


by Jezz

This week the impromptu Top ten was started by Fletcher and Trilleth. I just never knew they were such war-like and violent characters till now. One thing led to another and before long we were all trying to come up with Fed character weaponry and military equipment that we ought to have if we could buy weapons. If you're not quite sure what I mean by that, please read on. All will become clear.. well... maybe...

10. We should have NIGHTHAWK helicopters that fire TOSCAT missiles.
9. Every planet needs a little GORilla warefare with some AKAAR 47s.
8. If there are enemy FRIGGates around you might need LIPPIN mines.
7. Are you looking for amMUNAtion? We have BULLETs.
6. We could have chemical hazZARDs dropped from ZEPPELINs.
5. Some of the more backward agri planets could have CATSapults.
4. What army would be complete without some bazOOKLAs?
3. Well it was all starting to look like a scene from Full METEU Jacket by this time.
2. You'll need some polyethARLENE battle armor.
And of course the most needed military equipment is...
1. Heavy arTRILLary and ZAND grenades!

Thanks to Zand, Rasman, Trilleth, Fletcher, Prizzy and Squeeky for their contributions to the arms race. I've tried Arnies Surplus Mail Order Catalogue but they tell me I haven't bribed the clerk in the office of Armament Approval enough yet to order the above items. Maybe you'll have better luck.

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