REAL LIFE NEWS: RATE A PERSONby HazedYou know you can rate the sellers on eBay and Amazon, write reviews of products, leave comments about holidays, car sellers, and just about anything else you may have purchased... but now there's a new service available that lets you rate people. Yes, you can write a review of your boss or your co-worker and upload it to a new site called PersonRatings. Here, visitors can rate anyone they like, with complete anonymity. You just enter their name, tick a few boxes, and write a comment about them. Which of course will never be motivated by personal animosity, jealousy, or a wish for revenge. The people are rated by their intelligence, confidence, friendliness, kindness, energy, sex appeal, success, wit, class and trustworthiness. Anyone can log on and contribute their opinion. The idea is that the so-called "wisdom of the crowd" will opeate to weed out extremes of opinion, leaving an accurate, impartial description. Yeah, right! In reality, the only people who will be bothered to review a person will be those that either really, really love them or (much more likely) really, really hate them. After all, spilling bile is much more satisfying than heaping praise, and if all you feel is indifference, well why bother? And how long before someone with a rock-bottom rating sues? The site is intending to make money through advertising, which seems extremely optimistic of them. If you want to check this insane idea out for yourself, you'll find the site here. |