The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 12, 2009

Fed Funnies page 1


by Jezz

Well, as you all know, we have successfully moved to that parallel Universe, the New Server. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there for the official mass relocation but I understand there were a few Fedizens who got a little confused. Now everyone knows that if you happen to be caught in the Old Fed Universe as Bella shuts it down, you will be eaten by the Langoliers*. So, just in case we ever move again, here are the Top Ten ways to tell if you have logged onto the wrong server.

10. Everyone seems to have adopted Trilleth's work ethics.
9. The radiation rooms on Titan are wide open and the line of people traipsing in and out is longer than the one for the loo on Earth.
8. Everyone else has had a sex change, just to see what it's like.
7. There are no factories left because they've all been expropriated by crazed planet owners.
6. You do a QW and realize there are no Hobbits in Fed space.
5. There's a fleet of janitor ships cleaning party debris from the surface of the Sun.
4. CDs has run out of ale.
3. Hazed has eaten all the candy planets.
2. All the weathermen are sulking because nobody cares what they blow up anymore.
And the number one way to tell if you've logged onto the wrong server is...
1. Pugwash has actually fiddled with one of her planetary exchange controls - a sure sign that the apocalypse is imminent.

Thanks go out to Hazed, Bourbon, Jazir, Dewey and Zardoz for their contributions and I hope we didn't leave anybody behind.

*See the Stephen King novel of the same name, in which the past is eaten by nasty little things with sharp teeth called - you guessed it - the Langoliers.

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