Stardate: 124013:4179 - Zand: The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public
Stardate: 124022:3754 - Zand: The best way to save money is to be too busy to spend it.
Stardate: 124022:5442 - Jezz: And the best way to save money while you're spending it is to spend somebody else's money. Oh, Zard....
Stardate: 124025:4747 - Zand: Some people are like blisters; they don't show up until the work is done. (And We know who you are)
Stardate: 124034:5827 - Zand: No matter what happens, there is always someone who knew it would.
Stardate: 124036:8260 - Occy: Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it."--George Santayana
Stardate: 124048:9137 - Jezz: Not only is it St George's Day today but it's also the first day of Asparagus Season... but put your guns away... everyone knows apsaragus is hunted with spears.
Stardate: 124049:9039 - Squeeky: then what do you hunt cheese with? :)
Stardate: 124049:9403 - Jezz: a nose clip?
Stardate: 124050:1775 - Zand: You hunt cheese with a flashlight! According to Riley, cheese lives in caves.
Stardate: 124060:1257 - Catspaws: Q: How do you protect your airplane from bird strikes? A: Put a cat on the wing above the engine.
Arlene says, "We argue so much, let's get married Cats."
Catspaws tries not to get sick
Arlene says, "We already don't have sex so that part is taken care of. We fight all the time. It's perfect."
Catspaws says, "You need to put in an auditorium with a podium and microphone."
Catspaws says, "And Nightwatch guarding the doors so we can't leave."
Bella drawls, "too redolent of dictatorships, I have more subtle ways of doing it..."
Catspaws asks, "You mean this ISN'T a dictatorship????"
Bella says, "addiction trumps despotism any day"
Catspaws exclaims, "I resent that! I am NOT addicted!"
Bella says, "of course it's not, you just have to do what i say"
Bella asks, "you resemble that did you say?"
Catspaws drawls, "Uh-huh..."
Bella smirks
Catspaws smiles, "I quit Fed Anonymous ages ago. I got cured :)"
You drawl, "You only think your cured...."
Catspaws says, "But I'm never wrong. A feline is NEVER wrong."
Bella asks, "never wrong? Is that why they need nine lives?"
If you have nominations for the Quote, Mood, Post, Clothes, Act, or anything else of the Week, send them to