The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 17, 2009

Official News page 2


by Hazed

I should know better than to make bold statements like "The new code for businesses should be going live by next weekend" or whatever it was I said in last week's Star. Of course, things got delayed, chiefly by real life concerns such as Alan going for job interviews, but the final piece of the new code will be put in the test version of the game shortly to tried out by the test team, and then it will be put into the live game as soon as Alan is convinced that it has been thoroughly tested. Fingers (or equivalent) crossed.

One of the duties given to whichever newsdroid draws the short straw and ends up staying in the office when the rest of my minions go off on holiday will be to tell you when the business code is available, and to write up the information you need. Look out for an announcement on the electronic noticeboard and the What's New page of the website.

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