TAKING CARE OF BUSINESSby HazedAfter a long, long wait we finally saw the new code for businesses implemented in the live game last weekend. The newsdroid left on duty while the rest of the Fed2 Star staff had a break, Floyd the Droid, gave you all the details in his special bulletin (after I persuaded him to write in proper English!). Seven old-style Industrialists were forcibly promoted to Manufacturer, regardless of how many cycles their companies had run for. Their companies were frozen until they logged into the game so absentee CEOs won't have to worry about the shareholders staging a revolt. This left one mightily confused: he clearly hadn't read the bulletin and was mystified to find his company frozen when he logged on, and what's more he hadn't noticed his early promotion. When the new business code was put in, the first player to take advantage of it and purchase a brand new business was Gungading. He's earned himself a slot in the Hall of Fame (and Shame) here. The hard work that the test team did, trying out the new code as Alan wrote it on the test version of the game, means that as many bugs as we could find were squished before the code went into the game. Thanks to test team leader Djentsch, and his team, Arlene, Catspaws, Cloudbase, Fancy, Jezz and Zardoz. |
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