The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 19, 2009

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

A Captain hauling cargo yesterday was given a contract to an out of Sol planet... and he couldn't find it. He was forced to ask for help on the comms. Which inspired this week's top ten: the top ten things to do when you get lost in space.

10. Wander around until you run out of gas.
9. Stop and ask for directions (female players only).
8. Stay where you are and hope the planet's rotation brings it to your location.
7. Hope that customs comes and snags you.
6. Try and see if you can get Dj to come and find you.
5. Wait for the PO to show up and change the map to make it easier.
4. Wait for a stray asteroid to come and knock you into the planet's orbit.
3. Commit suicide and hope that it takes you to the planet's hospital.
2. Get Dj to call nightwatch.

And the number one thing to do when you get lost in space is...

1. Decide that you didn't really want to go there (wherever there is!) anyway.

Thanks to Dj and Logical for their suggestions.

And as a bonus, here's one I rejected: Carefully and methodically map the space areas until you find where you want to go... we all know nobody's going to do that!

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